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- Flagged Items
- Flagged item
- Item:
- Possible Remedy:
- The document has been fully [FLIGHTCHECKED®] and appears to be [OK]!
- Please select “[Locate Application...]” from the FlightCheck® menu.
- The document's [application] cannot be located (or cannot be accessed).
- The [document version] is different than the [application version].
- The document is a [template].
- The document is a [demo].
- The [document] was created using a different [language].
- [XTension] may be [required] to open or print the document.
- [XTensions] may be [required] to open or print the document.
- The document's [auxiliary dictionary] cannot be found.
- The [page width] is greater than the selected [printer record width].
- The [page height] is greater than the selected [printer record length].
- The [page width] is greater than the specified [paper width].
- The [Printer Type] cannot be located.
- The [Printer] cannot be located.
- The [Output Resolution] is [unknown].
- The [Printer Halftone Screen] is [unknown].
- The [Printer Halftone Screen] is different than the [specified value].
- [Use PDF Screen] is selected in [Page Setup].
- [ASCII Data Format] is selected in the [Page Setup].
- [Binary Data Format] is selected in the [Page Setup].
- [Landscape Orientation] is selected in the [Page Setup].
- [Reduce] is selected in the [Page Setup].
- [Enlarge] is selected in the [Page Setup].
- [Printer Effects] are selected in the [Page Setup].
- [Options] are selected in the [Page Setup].
- [Two Up] is selected in the [Page Setup].
- [Four Up] is selected in the [Page Setup].
- [Before Cover Page] is selected in the [Page Setup].
- [After Cover Page] is selected in the [Page Setup].
- [All Pages] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Odd Pages] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Even Pages] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Normal Output] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Low Res Output] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Rough Output] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Tiling Off] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Manual Tiling] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Automatic Tiling] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Separation Off] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Separation On] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Registration Marks Off] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Centered Registration Marks] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Off Center Registration Marks] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- The [Registration Marks offset] needs to be obtained from the [application].
- [Printer Marks Off] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Centered Printer Marks] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Off Center Printer Marks] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- The [Printer Marks offset] needs to be obtained from the [application].
- [Spreads On] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Spreads Off] selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Thumbnails] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Collate] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Back to Front] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Include Blank Pages] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Print Colors as Gray] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Print Black and White] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [Print Color] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [color] is [Non-CMYK/PANTONE®].
- [colors] are [Non-CMYK/PANTONE®].
- [color] is [PANTONE® 800 series].
- [colors] are [PANTONE® 800 series].
- [color] is used for a [bitmap frame].
- [colors] are used for [bitmap frames].
- [color sum] is over the [specified limit].
- [color sums] are over the [specified limit].
- [color] is [unused].
- [colors] are [unused].
- [color] is [mismatched].
- [colors] are [mismatched].
- [color] has a [non-automatic default trap].
- [colors] have a [non-automatic default trap].
- [color] is being used in a [blend].
- [colors] are being used in [blends].
- [gradient] is being used.
- [gradients] are being used.
- A [line, rule or frame] is a [hairline].
- Some [lines, rules or frames] are [hairlines].
- [text trap] has been set for [overprint].
- [text traps] have been set for [overprint].
- [text trap] has been set for [knockout].
- [text traps] have been set for [knockout].
- [text trap] has been set for [auto].
- [text traps] have been set for [auto].
- [text trap] has been set for [custom].
- [text traps] have been set for [custom].
- [fill trap] has been set for [overprint].
- [fill traps] have been set for [overprint].
- [fill trap] has been set for [knockout].
- [fill traps] have been set for [knockout].
- [fill trap] has been set for [auto].
- [fill traps] have been set for [auto].
- [fill trap] has been set for [custom].
- [fill traps] have been set for [custom].
- [frame trap] has been set for [overprint].
- [frame traps] have been set for [overprint].
- [frame trap] has been set for [knockout].
- [frame traps] have been set for [knockout].
- [frame trap] has been set for [auto].
- [frame traps] have been set for [auto].
- [frame trap] has been set for [custom].
- [frame traps] have been set for [custom].
- [line trap] has been set for [overprint].
- [line traps] have been set for [overprint].
- [line trap] has been set for [knockout].
- [line traps] have been set for [knockout].
- [line trap] has been set for [auto].
- [line traps] have been set for [auto].
- [line trap] has been set for [custom].
- [line traps] have been set for [custom].
- [rule trap] has been set for [overprint].
- [rule traps] have been set for [overprint].
- [rule trap] has been set for [knockout].
- [rule traps] have been set for [knockout].
- [rule trap] has been set for [auto].
- [rule traps] have been set for [auto].
- [rule trap] has been set for [custom].
- [rule traps] have been set for [custom].
- [font] is [not active] in your [System].
- [fonts] are [not active] in your [System].
- [screen font file] is [missing].
- [screen font files] are [missing].
- [printer font] is [missing].
- [printer font files] are [missing].
- [font] is using a [menu style].
- [fonts] are using [menu styles].
- [font] is [TrueType‚Ñ¢].
- [fonts] are [TrueType‚Ñ¢].
- [font name] is a [City Font] or [System Font].
- [font names] are [City Fonts] or [System Fonts].
- [font] is a [Multiple Master].
- [fonts] are [Multiple Masters].
- [font] is [non-Adobe®].
- [fonts] are [non-Adobe®].
- [font] use a [non-standard encoding].
- [fonts] are using [non-standard encodings].
- [image type] is [PICT].
- [image types] are [PICT].
- [image type] is [TIFF].
- [image types] are [TIFF].
- [image type] is [JPEG].
- [image types] are [JPEG].
- [image type] is [CT].
- [image types] are [CT].
- [image type] is [RIFF].
- [image types] are [RIFF].
- [image type] is [Other].
- [image types] are [Other].
- [image mode] is [Bitmap].
- [image modes] are [Bitmap].
- [image mode] is [Monotone].
- [image modes] are [Monotone].
- [image mode] is [Duotone].
- [image modes] are [Duotone].
- [image mode] is [Tritone].
- [image modes] are [Tritone].
- [image mode] is [Quadtone].
- [image modes] are [Quadtone].
- [image mode] is [Grayscale].
- [image modes] are [Grayscale].
- [image mode] is [Indexed].
- [image modes] are [Indexed].
- [image mode] is [RGB Color].
- [image modes] are [RGB Color].
- [image mode] is [CMYK Color].
- [image modes] are [CMYK Color].
- [image] is [missing].
- [images] are [missing].
- [image] has been [modified].
- [images] have been [modified].
- [image] is [suppressed].
- [images] are [suppressed].
- [image] is set for [non-printing].
- [images] are set for [non-printing].
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- [images] are [off the page].
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- [images] are using [LZW Encoding].
- [image] is using [JPEG Encoding].
- [images] are using [JPEG Encoding].
- [image] is [stored].
- [images] are [stored].
- [image] is [not included].
- [images] are [not included].
- [image] is [nested].
- [images] are [nested].
- [image effective resolution] is not within the [specified range].
- [image effective resolutions] are not within the [specified range].
- [Bitmap image effective resolution] is not within the [specified range].
- [Bitmap image effective resolutions] are not within the [specified range].
- [image] is [PC format].
- [images] are [PC format].
- [OPI hi-res image] is [missing].
- [OPI hi-res images] are [missing].
- [image] is [scaled].
- [images] are [scaled].
- [image] contains a [Halftone Screen].
- [images] contain [Halftone Screens].
- [image] contains a [non-Linear Transfer Function].
- [images] contain [non-Linear Transfer Functions].
- [picture box] is using a fill of "[None]".
- [picture boxes] are using a fill of "[None]".
- [image] may require a [clipping path].
- [images] may require [clipping paths].
- [picture box] is using a [bitmap frame].
- [picture boxes] are using [bitmap frames].
- [picture box] is [rotated].
- [picture boxes] are [rotated].
- [picture box] is [skewed].
- [picture boxes] are [skewed].
- [image] is [rotated].
- [images] are [rotated].
- [image] is [skewed].
- [images] are [skewed].
- [image] is using [picture styles].
- [images] are using [picture styles].
- [image] is using [picture contrasts].
- [images] are using [picture contrasts].
- [picture box] is [flipped horizontally or vertically].
- [picture boxes] are [flipped horizontally or vertically].
- [image] is set for [picture trap].
- [images] are set for [picture trap].
- [Trapping] has been enabled for the publication.
- The [default trap width] has been set.
- The [default trap width] for [Black] has been set.
- [Trapping] has been set for [over imported objects].
- [Trapping] has been set to [auto-overprint Black text].
- [Trapping] has been set to [auto-overprint Black lines].
- [Trapping] has been set to [auto-overprint Black fills].
- [image] contains [extra channels].
- [images] contain [extra channels].
- [image] is comprised of [layers].
- [images] are comprised of [layers].
- [image mode] is [Lab Color].
- [image modes] are [Lab Color].
- [Compatible Gradient Printing] is selected in the [Document Setup].
- [Convert to Process] is selected in the [Document Setup].
- [Reduce to Fit] is selected in the [Print parameters].
- [unused Style Sheet] references a [missing font].
- [unused Style Sheets] reference [missing fonts].
- [image type] is [DCS].
- [image types] are [DCS].
- [image] is set for [Printer Default Screens].
- [images] are set for [Printer Default Screens].
- [Grayscale TIFF] resides in a [Colored Background].
- [Grayscale TIFFs] reside in [Colored Backgrounds].
- [image] is using a [Flatness] which is not within the [specified range].
- [images] are using [Flatness] which are not within the [specified range].
- [image] is using [ASCII Encoding].
- [images] are using [ASCII Encoding].
- [image] is using [Binary Encoding].
- [images] are using [Binary Encoding].
- [DCS image] has a [missing Plate].
- [DCS images] have [missing Plates].
- [font] has a [Font ID conflict].
- [fonts] have [Font ID conflicts].
- Some [objects] have [insufficient Bleed].
- [Use Printer Default Screens] is selected in [Page Setup].